Thoughtfully curated activities for whole-child development & preparation for their next stage.

Carpentry (builds confidence):

Hammering, sawing, sanding

Experience with real tools to make woodworking creations

Cooking (fine motor, math, and social skills):

Cutting, mixing, wrapping

Weekly individual and group preparations such as pizza, lemonade, pretzels

Field trips (science/nature):

Marsh walk

Discover change in seasons

Outside play (gross motor and social skills):

Tire swing, trikes, swings, climbing equipment

Slides, secret garden, sandbox

Endless possibilities for gross motor skill-building and socialization with peers

Our experienced teachers carefully craft programs and activities for your pre-kindergartner that build bridges between the child’s social and emotional development and their academic/cognitive development. Varied activities provide interest for children with differing points of view and open doors for teamwork, problem solving, imagination, and creativity. Your child will transition easily to kindergarten upon completion of this year of amazing growth.

Our child–teacher ratio for PreK is 6:1. This allows us to meet each child where they are, give longer spans of individual attention, and enables us to offer more complex activities.